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Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 117-118

Heist time? Heist time.

4 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 117-118

  1. Love a good heist story!

  2. I’m still left wondering why those two need to tag along, Ivan should just go in solo, he’d draw less attention.


    2. If Ivan doesn’t want to actually steal anything, then the plan might be for Eggie to read as much as she can before morning comes. If he’s decided that stealing is okay, he still might not know what sort of books Eggie needs—maybe he’s hoping for a “divine inspiration” that inspires her to look at one book over another, so she’ll need to be there. And if he’s decided that actually stealing is super cool and he wants to do a lot of it, then three people can carry away more books than one, especially considering the likely noodliness of Ivan’s arms relative to Malene’s

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