Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Page 20

"Hm yes I just so happen to have a nice 'are you the mcguffin' spell right here."

Welcome to all the Imgurians who found their way here through the recent post. I'm blown away by all the kind comments - thank you so much.

Also, I'm still working on the site so if things change around or temporarily break, don't be alarmed. Gonna try to better optimize here and there, make the images smaller, get some caching set up, etc.

7 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Page 20

  1. Another Besotted Imgurian

    Thanks for the bookmark function, it’s awesome! Would love a direct link as well that loads my bookmark (or the front page if no bookmark saved) so I can save that link and get directly to where I left off!

  2. Just read thru all of waffles and pancakes, so I know I’m down to clown with your sense of humor. I haven’t been able to find when (or if) you release regularly scheduled new pages, so I’d love to know if you have a release schedule or if I should just check in once in a blue moon.

    1. The current schedule is Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 am Eastern. I’d love to up that to three times per week, but can’t really manage it at this point in time with my current workload. 😛

      Thanks for reading, and glad you enjoyed!

      1. I’m not even mad about that. Twice a week gives you more time to have a little backlog (or at least not fall behind), and means that we’ll get to enjoy the story arc over a longer period of time. It always makes me sad when good comics come to an end! 😭

  3. Love the art, love the story so far!

  4. Please don’t make the images smaller. I want to see your gorgeous artwork properly!

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