Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Page 29

This page is the first one where I'm trying out something new, which is to feature cameo appearances from Patrons and their characters. If you're a Patreon backer who asked for a cameo but you don't see it yet, don't worry! There are more panels coming up.

Also I need to take a moment to credit my dumb friend Canadian for giving me the idea for the dumb meme that probably only like 2 of you will notice.

Thanks, as always, everyone, for all your kind words and your readership. I wish I had the time to reply to every comment, but I am absolutely reading all of them and they give me all sorts of warm fuzzies. <3

13 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Page 29

  1. I came from Reddit when you posted to /r/comics a bit ago. Loving the series so far, I look forward to each update!

  2. Commenting just to make sure you know that this comic is being read! I just hopped onto your Patreon to express some meager support as well, but this is me waving a big comment-shaped flag to show your work is enjoyed!

  3. Hi DT Saranya 🙂

    I came to say the same than benduker7 and Nephrited 🙂 I also came from r/comics. Waiting for the next page 🙂

  4. I, too, have come here from r/comics and have been enjoying the comic thus far. Nothing more to say other than I didn’t get the meme so.

  5. I’m enjoying this comic a lot, but I feel as though having these really short pages release often is not as good as getting a bunch of pages all at once every few weeks. other than that, keep up the great work! this is really good!

  6. Continuing the train of r/Comics migrants. I just want to say that first image is beautiful. Enjoying the series so far, can’t wait to see where it goes!

  7. I honestly like short pages with more frequent updates! There’s still plenty of artwork to take in even if the story only shuffles forward a few frames at a time.

    Oh, and pay no attention to the dark-robed, hooded figures with one looking over their shoulder as they make their exit. Or the dapper fellow in a similar palette hiding his face under his hat brim. Nothing to see here 😗🎵

    At least there are no sticks to be found.

  8. Great comic!
    Sorry to be a downer, but the RSS link and the Archive still don’t work properly.
    That makes it kinda hard to find when I last read this comic and to continue from there.

  9. I like the little bits of world-building as we go along. Aezin’s Trail being good luck shows there’s some kind of myth or folk story we might just get to hear referenced later on


  11. This comic has early D&D party vibes, and I love it so far. I’ll keep an eye on it for more updates.

  12. I’m loving it, keep it coming! First found out about this comic through the comics subreddit, can’t wait to see what that shady elder priest does…

  13. While the link this site advertises: “https://adventureswitheggie.com/?feed=rss2” does not work, you can use: “https://follow.it/adventures-with-eggie-a-silly-fantasy-adventure-comic4”. You can also follow the comment feed: “https://adventureswitheggie.com/?feed=comments-rss2”

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