Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 136-137

Don't forget, guys - Rav can hear all the secrets you thought you whispered quietly. He also knows when you farted.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 136-137

  1. Rav’s palms look just a little odd here. Perhaps the color is a little too pale? Or it needs to be more blended at the edge? I loooove that you add those kind of details though, that care is what makes this comic great

    1. I’ve known people IRL with palms that look just like that. Genetics just be like that sometimes

      1. I don’t see anyway it’s NOT Oridell. He dropped one spell and raised another to choose to retreat. He’s not exactly 100% hostile. He obviously has something going on from his time as a hero/has a problem with the gods. The whole not being able to die is not an uncommon trope. Living when everyone you love dies… Is rough

  2. With people suggesting that mystery dude is Oridell, I was worried that that was him disappearing in a poof of poison…

  3. I think the palms need a bit more blending at the edge, yeah.

  4. *farts extra loud just for Rav*

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