Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 113-114

Sorry for the delay. I left a little widget above the comic and posted on my Webtoon creator profile, but I know that must not have reached everyone - I've been sick. Got some kind of infection that turned into bronchitis.

Usually I work at a comparable pace to my normal one even while sick, just because I need to keep busy or I start losing my mind. During the years of doing W&P for Webtoon I never cancelled or missed a single update. But, this one's been kicking my ass for some reason. Maybe it's just because I'm getting older, lol.

Updates are likely to be slower until I get over this. I've got meds so it shouldn't be too long.

Thanks for your patience and thanks always for reading. <3

10 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 113-114

  1. Scream, beloved breakfast girl

  2. Get well soon!

  3. Always okay with slowing down the pace! Get well soon!

  4. Feel Better! Love the comic, but health always comes first. Scream away the sickness lol

  5. I love how Malene lifted the shield when Eg screamed 😛

  6. I got bronchitis once while working at a moderately physical job, and I wasn’t really able to take time off to recover without losing said job. It took over a month for the symptoms to fully disappear. Take every opportunity you can to rest; you’ll thank yourself for it later.

  7. Honey, take and enjoy some rest. You and your health are more important than the comic 🙂 — and I say this, even though I love the comic. Everyone needs to slow down sometimes.
    Get well soon 🙂

  8. FUS RO DAH!

  9. Please enjoy(?) this shitpost inspired by this page: https://imgur.com/BX1hHcH

  10. Highly important/accurate shitpost

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