Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 169-170

Stay tuned for sheltered nerds learning that OTHER PLACES IN THE WORLD EXIST.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 169-170

  1. Do you think they’ll ever learn why he has his worldly possessions in his bag? Or will Ivan keep the fact that they caused him to lose his home?

    1. I mean technically he wasn’t banished/exiled. While Sticks said he “wasn’t sure [Ivan] still had a place [there]”, it was conditioned on “if these are the sorts of decisions you’re making”, and he also said “we’ll talk” after asking him to visit his office after morning prayers.

      Ivan made the decision for himself.

  2. in pg 145 Eggie is wearing a red garment and is holding a book. Every comic after, when we see the garment, it’s being held, maybe wrapped around the book.

    1. What ever may be inside the garment she holds it like its precious.

    2. Based on the fact she was holding a red covered book in the pages before and that book contained the information on Celery’s forest i’m going to guess that’s the book she has wrapped up and for good reason.

  3. Also appreciated that Ivan didn’t actually impose himself, even if he really, REALLY wanted to go with them (to the point he’d already packed); he gave them the out (“I guess… this is goodbye, then?”). Yeah he was really hoping and intending to join them, but had the courtesy and respect to wait for an invitation. Good guy Ivan ❤

    The grand conclusion
    and the expressions, so cute xDDD

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