You beautiful, beautiful motherfuckers,
Welcome, everyone who came from Reddit. And, welcome again everyone who came from Imgur. I'm still kinda trying to pick up my jaw off the floor from how many of you are down to join us for this stupid adventure.
A couple updates:
For those who asked if they could get an RSS feed for the comic, I set one up last night, which can be found here. The 4 at the end of the URL definitely isn't because I had to create it four times before I got it to aggregate the correct posts, hm no, definitely not.
Also, I'm trying to get better about mentioning these kinds of things, so on Sunday while the post was up on Reddit, a few people asked for a way to support me with one-time donations rather than through Patreon, so I created a Ko-fi page. So, if anyone wants to support the comic without doing the monthly pledge thing, the option is now available. There's no pressure there, of course. The readership is enough and I'm grateful for it.
I also was curious - sometimes after I update a minor thing on the site, I see an increase of traffic for a bit. Do some of you have some sort of notification set up that tells you when I update the site at all, even when it's not a comic post? Asking mainly because I'm probably going to need to play with things a bunch in the near future (like trying to set up better navigation for mobile, generally adding more buttons and cleaning up the layout, etc), and if anyone's getting updated when I change things, I don't want to spam you.
All in all, thanks for all the readership, the kind comments, the support, everything. It means the world to me!
18 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Page 24”
Nice comic, I just want to binge it though
Jessica J
Yup. Sticks. Lots of ’em, and long ones too.
This was a somewhat unexpected development, but it makes sense. We have tons of fake claims about such things IRL.
This complicates things for the sisters, though. If you only they had a shady character who could help them steal information, like say…..Asslord.
Redditor here. Happy to support a great comic! I suppose we should be thanking you for suggesting it to us. I look forward to many many more pages!
I was pleasantly surprised when I came here from Reddit and saw many more pages plus one of the old pages sang to me!
But now I’ve binged it I need more
Elizabeth Kempton
Okay, not much to see hear but we do get a little look into more of the Godmark lore:
They come with a “Divine Gift” which appears to be expected to be in the form of a spell. However from previous pages it appears that there is still at least one spell to check if it is real. (After checking back it would appear that either the spell is what I just said or a magic detection spell, which would lead to the question of how many different types of magic are there? And how do they detect them, is it visible {different types different colours or something}, sound based {presumably different frequencies and pitches for types and power, or maybe they would make different actual noises}, some sense like touch, scent ect.)
We also get a closer look at the high clerics uniform:
His necklace has the same symbol as the statue was holding Infront of the pews (definitely a holy symbol) still no idea what it actually represents beyond my previous speculation. The rest of the uniform: same underlayer as the acolyte uniform however more comfortable outer layer (coat/lab coat not toga), still white outer layer, big sleeves and gold buttons.
It also appears that many people attempt to trick them into believing they have a Godmark, so presumably either the pros outlay the cons **or** (I think more likely) the cons are not well known.
There wasn’t much in terms of lore in this page
Loving the comic so far
DT Saranya
I love seeing your analysis of the lore hints so far. It’s very thorough and observant!
Elizabeth Kempton
Thanks, as a GM I enjoy finding all the little bits of lore in others world, but each time I do it I feel I am living the saying “a picture speaks a thousand word”. I love the story and your art style- I may analyze some earlier pages soon
Elizabeth Kempton
Thanks, as a GM I enjoy finding all the little bits of lore in others world, but each time I do it I feel I am living the saying “a picture speaks a thousand word”. I love the story and your art style- I may analyze some earlier pages soon
Elizabeth Kempton
I tried to reply to a message but it didn’t register me clicking reply and I didn’t realise, woops
Hey, been reading for a few weeks now, on recommendation of a friend after another webcomic I was following ended after a 15 year run

Just wanted to say that I’m enjoying the world, the art and the characters so far (we haven’t really seen enough “story” to judge yet, so far so good).
Thanks for creating this, I look forward to following along!
My biggest criticism/comment: there’s not enough yet! Go through a time portal and create more so I can read faster!
DT Saranya
Thanks so much! Glad you’re enjoying.
Peter Portcullis
So many folks claiming to come from reddit but i tried searching around the various comic subs and couldn’t find anything, where did you post the link? I want to read the comments there.
Here you go. This is the post that initially led me to this comic. Have a nice day.
I’ve been enjoying reading this so much.
Emanuel Effervescent
Thank you kindly.