Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 185-187

You know Anj, even if Ethi can't draw a bow, she at least didn't lose one.

For those who missed it but might be interested, my other comic, Eldritch Grandpa, also updated this week.

Thanks always for reading, you beautiful darlings. <3

9 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 185-187

  1. Yes, her duty to her roommate. Probably so it doesn’t get wet when doing the dishes.

  2. And is definitely the weak link in so many ways

  3. What is the strange thing in the first panel? Some kind of monster? My first thought was that it was a rear view of the Time Dragon with an inflamed sphincter. That would explain the trail of stuff coming down from it…

    1. Top view of the dragon. The trail is its body.

    2. I was thinking the same thing about it being an animal with a swollen anus. The arrow in the second panel looks like its dead center for a bull’s brown eye.

      1. Thank you! Good reference material at https://adventureswitheggie.com/comic/chapter-3-pages-1-8-the-dragon-waltz/ for anyone else looking for other angles.

        (sorry for the double-post. For some reason my browser doesn’t always make it clear when I’m replying to a thread versus making a new one)

    He should bow out of the fight.
    Badum tsssss.

  5. Thank you! Good reference material at https://adventureswitheggie.com/comic/chapter-3-pages-1-8-the-dragon-waltz/ for anyone else looking for other angles.

  6. I got here from Eldritch Grandpa via Reddit. I just read this whole comic! It is so lovely!!!

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