Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 84-90

The more I mapped out these pages, the more I thought they needed to be released together. So, here, have a bundle of them.

Also everyone say hi to the holy MILF.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 84-90

  1. You have been asked to be cow aunt. Truly, your name shall be enshrined in history by the bard you are assisting. However, I worry greatly for what Eggie will have to sacrifice.

  2. DT, you are a beautiful storyteller

  3. *shivers*

  4. “Holy MILF.”
    You talking about Elthea, or Iphinia?

  5. It occurs to me that the Chosen Heros are not finding good ends. They do great things, but always at a very steep cost. I worry for Eggie.

    Of course, a story can not be great if it is not also terrible. That’s not to say terrible things make a story great. Far too many people fall into that idea and just make terrible stories. But you must have darkness for a small but important light to truly shine and characters who never change risk never being memorable.

  6. I suppose there’s a reason that Great and Terrible often meant the same thing when referring to things. WW I being the “Great War”, various great/terrible rulers, ect.

  7. With the new context of Iphinia’s story, I love the subtle design detail of Liliana’s fingerless gloves.

  8. Another though has occurred to me. We are meeting people who would gladly fill the rolls of previous champions: Sticks/Oridell and now Liliana/Iphinia. Any bets on if they all end up being called?

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