Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 46-48

Malene, have you considered that maybe your party is also idiots?

7 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 46-48


  2. Malene is a killing machine. Look at her shin! So sharp it alone could kill a baddie #inlove

  3. “I already tried” is a line made of ice cold metal.


    YESSSSS. Let the hate fow.

  5. Poll: Did she kill, or cut off his hand as promised?

    If he is alive he’d know his accomplices left him and could have learned his lesson or will return with a grudge and stronger.

    1. Looking back, her exact threat was “Stay down or I’ll take the whole arm.” Even if she “only” stuck to her promise without explicitly killing… that’s the kind of injury that’s super easy to die from. If he’s lucky it was a quick death from arterial bleeding. So my vote is that he’s dead. Gonna abstain from voting on whether she purposefully killed or only stuck to her promise, mostly cuz it might be a moot “why not both?” kinda situation.

  6. Angry paladin vibes

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