Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 158-159

Raise your hand if you totally forgot about that time he did that thing.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 158-159

  1. Chapter 2, pg 137.

  2. omg fucking troll

  3. Rav: I am a wizard.
    Ivan: But that’s my job.
    Eggie: Marlene, can you cast magic, too?
    Marlene: No.
    Rav: Keeping us alive is magic.

  4. Thanks for confirming how long it’s been since Malene’s fated expedition. I just reread the comic recently and was surprised to see Rav cast the very spell we’re focusing on currently!

    I wrote a long comment about my reread a few pages back that’s “awaiting moderation.” That’s fine if you want to leave it in limbo or delete it, DT, but just in case you forgot, well, there you go. I suggested adding a few “lore drop” pages to the Gallery at the top of the page for easy reference.

    I’m not trying to be a pain and I won’t bring it up again! …hey, that rhymes! Kind of. About as well as “olive” and “tethaiv”

  5. Wait that was Rav? I thought it was Felix Fickledickle all this time.

  6. Mama Bear has her own magic

  7. “Tethaiv,” and “stave” or “shave”?

  8. I love their new cold weather clothes!! Eggie’s hat is too cute!!

    Also props on everyone using the waist belts, keep that weight on your hips, and off your shoulders and back!!!

  9. Wait, if “keeping us alive is magic” is taken literally, then is a way to remove Oridell’s immortality is to remove his magic? Like cut off the mark? LONG SHOT but interesting.

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