Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 127-128

Thanks always for reading, you beautiful darlings.

For those interested who don't already know, Eldritch Grandpa also updated this week. That update was a little more uplifting than this one if you need a cleanse from Mr. Edgy here.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 127-128

  1. She’ll manage to convince him through the power of song. Or vyr him to death. Either or.

  2. Untitled Cow Game

    Well damn, dude. You better hope that Mootilda doesn’t get in your way. You know she’s gonna whoop your butt!

  3. Some one called the world ending and restarting in the comments for the previous update. Also, props to Eggie, the girl who gets stuck in trees and uses her first earnings to buy a cow pet, for staying calm and logical in the face of doom.

  4. Anyone debating whether this guy is Oridel needs to re-read pages 226-229 (https://adventureswitheggie.com/comic/chapter-2-pages-226-229/). The attacker in that page remained hidden for most of the fight in the sanctuary and only appeared when his two companions seemed to be losing. He is definitely Oridel (note how he is silhouetted in front of the saint’s window in one panel) and is definitely the guy talking to Eggie in the present scene (same hair, same clothes, same comments about silenced voices).

  5. “Well, that was cryptic, but didn’t really tech me anything” is an excellent comeback to an entire character archetype of moody edgelords.

  6. Oh it’s 100% Oridell. The eye color question is resolved by Osd Elriv
    The man who cannot die. The state of the world. The excent lore all supports this. But Sellorine/Eggie will get to him if he’s been abandoned.

  7. Possible counterpoint to him being Oridell is that in his ballad (and his bust here https://adventureswitheggie.com/comic/chapter-2-pages-131-132/), he was clearly showing signs of age that this character doesn’t have, and had very prominent scars on his face, in particular one at the bridge of his nose that the mask isn’t covering. This character’s face structure is also leaner and more rounded than Oridell, who is always shown to have a pretty sharp jawline. Though they do have matching hair color.
    The comic is absolutely drawing a very clear connection between this character and Oridell, so there’s still a pretty good chance imo that it is him, and if it’s not, there’s definitely some kind of connection.

  8. Could possibly be the son who was mentioned. Nothing so far has said the gods can’t bring the dead back as a revenant or similar. Would also easily explain the parallels and connection to Oridell.

    Granted, Oridell’s story also happened like 700 years ago or something, which would also easily the explain him not looking like the art of him.

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