Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 25-26

I for one think that Mootilda is the strongest party member.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 25-26


  2. Eggie needs to sing a song with Ivan using those light spells for stage effects.

    1. Eggie and Ivan doing a glam-rock power ballad.

    2. Shades of Molly Carpenter’s One Woman Rave from The Dresden Files! https://dresdenfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Verisimilomancy

  3. Very excited. Very spicy. I am very pumped.
    Pop off malene!

  4. I hope we pick up the cow romance again at some point.

  5. You mean the gentle cringe of poor Ivan’s pining isn’t enough to keep them away?

  6. Alright. Can someone help me pronounce the older sister’s name?

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