Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 pages 168-169

Man, if only Rav had been around during my preteen to teenage years to explain what exactly flirting is because I definitely was an oblivious idiot.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 pages 168-169

  1. “Man, if only Rav had been around during my preteen to teenage years to explain what exactly flirting is because I definitely was an oblivious idiot.”

    Every. Single. One. OF. Us. Was.

    We all have memories of things we realised waaaay later were someone flirting with us. We all could’ve used a Rav to teach us the touch test.

    1. The worst part is, I’m *still* oblivious—I just now have a wife to point it out when others are flirting with me 😬

  2. Rav and Ivan sitting on a log T-A-L-K-I-N-G about Eggie.

  3. Even though that advice is not too bad, unfortunately, I’m getting some “pickup artist” vibes from Rav.

  4. Rav is being such the big brother to Ivan. I love their energy!

  5. As if we needed any more confirmation: Rav’s got game.

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