Chapter 3 Pages 292-293

The snow sure does look comfy to just get packed into and then take a nap. Too bad that kills you or something.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 292-293

  1. Oh no, does this mean it was Ivan talking about him letting go in the last page? I wonder how that’s gonna play out. like is he just unconscious, or actually dead? If he’s dead, is he permadead or will Eggie bring him back to life?

  2. Ivan, you tried to flamethrower a massive, rushing wave of snow. That’s cool, and you’re cool but hopefully not too cool when touched.

  3. Use those magic listening ears, Rav! Find Ivan!

  4. not dead until warm and dead

  5. Brandon, I’m pretty sure it was Malene. She was the one holding onto Eggie. It then transitioned to black at the end of that page, and on this page it transitions from black back to color while Malene came to as Rav dug her out. That doesn’t mean that Ivan is okay. He definitely got slammed. But I don’t think he was the one talking about letting go.

  6. Ok so they’re definitely not all dead from that one hard rush of snow but i am legit worried that Ivan is going to have developed frostbite or some other ailment

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