Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 125-126

...Maybe he's not trying to reach her about her car's extended warranty after all.

Trying to get back in the habit of uploading on time. Thanks always for reading and for your patience.<3

6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 125-126

  1. Oridel…

  2. Wait, is this Shara?

  3. Hope is a powerful weapon against the end. Sing him a song, Eggie.

  4. It took a bit to find in the archive but the god for Eggie is Sellorine and was kinda important in the making of this, the 4th, world because she spoke other the other gods and made them take turns, by singing, and rhymed.

    I did not find anything about the other 5 champions except the song and story for Oridell. I think Curly here is one of the 3 who raided the church but does not seem to BE Oridell. There are main gods of death, life, time, and earth. Oridell is champion of the life god. Theoretically, one of the enemy group could be a champion of a god wanting a new 5th world.

    1. i bet it is Oridell. he’s tired of living and is gonna help bring the end of this world where everyone dies, him included

  5. Procrastinating Again

    Oridell had straight hair and seemed taller.

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