Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 184-186

The discord nerds have officially now translated every bit of Kethra that I've provided in the pages. We gave them a discord rank called "cleric" and everything because they're lowkey putting together the pieces of the world the same way the clerics did in-universe. I love to see it. What a dream-come-true for a writer of silly stories it is to have an audience of people who care enough about the world and the puzzles I've made that they'll put so much work into putting it together and get excited about the lore they discover.

Thanks always for reading and for caring about my made-up stories.


Also, I redid the first panel of the first page because it was bothering me. I'll probably do the same to some other panels, but I'm trying to be careful not to fall into the trap of revising all the artwork rather than keeping the story moving forward, so revisions will probably be few and far between and only for specific panels that I can't stand to look at.

15 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 184-186

  1. Omg Rav is such a softie!

    1. Shhhh… Don’t tell anyone. 😉


    1. Given he seems to have multiple magical gadgets, each made with expensive materials by hand, you may be on to something.

  3. It’s not about the money, Spider-Man

  4. I try to click Waffles and Pancakes on your Patreon, but it says server time out or smth and doesn’t show it…

    1. Ah, whoops! That link is outdated as it’s only on Webtoon now. You can find it here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/waffles-and-pancakes/list?title_no=1310

      1. thanks c:

  5. His little sister wouldn’t be some kind of goddess, now would she?

  6. Also, Mr Buttmeister is just beautiful to look at. They all are, but I guess it’s the unexpectedness of it for me? Crass being presenting as man is ethereal beauty.

  7. Does Rv have a ‘tell’? When he touches his ear/fixes his hair, he’s telling the truth?

    1. What a neat concept that would be, to make that a thing, and just never confirm or deny it until it pays off later in a big way.

  8. No page today?

    1. Small note at the top:

      > Update is late (but still on the way) because I had some IRL commitments come up. It’ll be up within 24 hours. Thanks for your patience. <3

  9. Take your time DT, we’re happy to have the update when it comes!

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