Who's ready for a horribly dangerous trip through the mountains that totally won't go wrong at all?
Hope everyone is having a good holiday season. I'm curious - if anyone happens to have a moment, could you leave me a note about how exactly you came across the comic? Getting some insight would help me out in terms of understanding my traffic. Thank you! And, thank you, always, for reading!
36 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 91-92”
David W
I happened to be browsing usersub newest on Imgur when you made your initial post about starting this comic. I thought the story concept was interesting and the characters were endearing (and I still do) so I bookmarked your site.
Exactly the same for me!
Mootilda, Harbinger of the Cowpocalypse
Fairly certain it was imgur for me as well.
Pretty sure I just randomly clicked through from Waffles and Pancakes. I didn’t think you were going to do a new one at the time but it was so good I keep it bookmarked/would go back to reread now and then/check if you started something else.
I’ve suggested both to people just because they are very very good.
I’m pretty sure i found you through a Reddit post you made when you started the series. I think you’d put up maybe the first three or four pages at that point, and I got hooked.
Bob the Moose
I found it on Reddit when you posted the compiled first 20 pages. I might have seen it on Reddit before that but can’t be sure. Reddit is also the only social media site I use.
Also, Mootilda will be nice and cozy. Our intrepid party less so.
I found it on Reddit when you posted the first group of pages.
Same as Bob, I found like the first compiled 20 pages on the comics subreddit I think. Was interested, And i keep this page bookmarked now, since it seemed like you had so much more to tell. And you do!
Phil H
Found through Reddit, caught my interest like none other before or since, so patreon’d after oridell
DT Saranya
Thanks for the insight, and for pledging!
I’ve been hooked since your Reddit post as well. Great comic!
As a number of people have stated I too came across this comic when you first posted it on Reddit. Now I have an obsession with checking for updates lol
I can’t say I remember how I found this comic, but most of the comics I read are from “recommended links” on other comics. Although I was specifically looking for new comics around the time I started reading, so could have been from a “pimp your webcomic” twitter thread I looked through or a “what’s your favorite webcomic” reddit thread I found.
I came here from imgur.
Like a lot of other folks, I first came across this comic via reddit. Although I don’t use reddit anymore after they announced all third party readers would no longer be supported, since I never used the official app bc of its poor quality. Now my main social media is Tumblr.
Glad I got to find this gem before I left though!
Cathy W.
I think I found W&P by happenstance, and enjoyed your art, so I’ve followed you across various sites since. Which sounds kinda stalkery now that I read that back. LOL!
Found via your Reddit post. Thank you,its now my favorite!
Reddit Lurker2
Found via Reddit after you posted. Left Reddit after the screwed over Christian and his Apollo app. I’ve been scrolling through tumblr a lot lately. Chip in tips when I can!
I found a page of this comic on Imgur
I think I also found it from imgur – it’s now one of only two webcomics I check regularly . Thank you for all you do!
I saw the Oridell song one from ch. 2 on Reddit (r/comics) and since i never saw someone sing a comic before i figured i’d read the whole thing. And its fantastic btw.
Found the post! https://imgur.com/gallery/TzyKk8H
I saw your reddit post of the first chapter and loved it, then found out you did Waffles & Pancakes, then re-read all of Waffles & Pancakes.
Imgur for me as well.
Reddit! I’ve basically had this open as a tab on my browser since then. Love your work and this story.
I don’t recall anymore where I first found this! Might have been the imgur post or might have been a recommendation from a friend who’d read W&P. Either way, I love both

Garbanzo beans
I came across the series when you initially put out that reddit post with the first 20 pages. Been hooked ever since!
I came across your initial post with the first chapter on Reddit, I liked the tone and that fact that it had a more comedic set up and I’ve been reading ever since,
My first ever comment on your comics. I saw your post of the prologue chapter on Reddit. Been following ever since. I kept coming back to that post just to open the link to the comics. Did it so much that the post showed up in my Reddit Recap that year. Although, nowadays this comic is just open perpetually on my phone browser and I check back intermittently for new pages.
I hope entering my email to post this comment doesn’t sign me up for any mailing lists.
Found the comic on Reddit at some point. I think it was when you posted the first chapter, so I’ve been following along for a minute now. Here to see it to the end!
Same here.
A friend on Discord stared the page where Egg got her head stuck in a tree, and then I binged the whole thing. XD
Found you on Reddit, been hooked ever since!
Sorry for the delayed response, but I found you through your reddit post! I’ve been reading ever since.
Late reply, but why not. It was, funnily enough, “The Ballad of Oridell” on YouTube. I liked the song, read the description, and started reading.