Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 66-67

I suspect there's gonna be a riot in the comments over Mootilda potentially being away from the party for a time, so I'd like to assure you all of two things:

1. Even if separated from the party, she will still feature in the pages.
2. For those worried that the party needs Mootilda's power, fear not. She's equipped with a laser cannon to destroy their enemies even from large distances.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 66-67

  1. Thank you for the note about the laser cannon. My heart can now rest at ease as we go forward ♡ though…is she capable of jumping over the moon?

  2. Mootilda, Harbinger of the Cowpocalypse


  3. Mootilda is really really a goddess isn’t she?

  4. lets be honest eggie just wants more cows!!

  5. Considering the staring boys Mootilda has been prancing for are almost guranteed to be steers and not bulls not likely with this set.

  6. I really appreciate that this was addressed and not just pushed to the side. I love Mootilda, but I wouldn’t want her scaling mountains or chilling in the background as full scale chaos is erupting.

  7. I feel so much better thank you thankyou

  8. The note is very much appreciated!!!!

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