Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 76-77

Oh hey look, it's the update, and only like 3 days after it was supposed to go up.
Apologies - I'm still recovering from the paperwork influx and Thanksgiving can be a little wild in my line of work.
You guys tell me to stop apologizing but ha! Joke's on you. I'm always deeply sorry just for who I am as a person, so you can't stop me, fuckers!

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 76-77

  1. Because of the time difference, it’s telling me you posted this in the future. DT is a wizard! Also, stop apologizing hahaha ;D anyways, we all love you and Mootilda, I’m glad she’s found someone to take her in!

  2. Mootilda, Harbinger of the Cowpocalypse

    A P P L E S ! ! ! !

  3. TIL, DT is a secret Canadian.
    Also, I smell a Deus ex machinaaaaa~

  4. Hah! The horse did get the carrot and is enjoying it. Love those details. 😀
    Also sth about apples and arseholes. Youtube has ruined me.

  5. The side eye is so cute lol

  6. Eggie has found her people!

  7. Mootilda is going to organize a bovine army at some point.


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