Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 176-177

I vote we refer to Allis' pose in the last panel as the "involuntary dab of shame."


I think I'm back on schedule now so hopefully the updates will all be on time in the morning and I can start building up a buffer again.

Thanks always for reading. The comments and support give me all the warm fuzzies.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 176-177

  1. OW MY EYES!

    Love how Malene covered Mootilda’s eyes too, and now she’s confused what’s happening. Go cow go!


  3. Angry caster FTW!!!

    lol fine. You see a cow standing in front of you with green eyes.
    sigh Fine you can have brown eyes, whatever. You can talk to each other now.

  5. IDOS = Involutary Dab of Shame
    Love it.

  6. I saw a post with your comics on Imgur a few months ago, and I’ve been reading since. They’re amazing! I love the cow(I’m bad with remembering names…). Keep it up!

    1. It’s Mootilda!

  7. Save Moooooootilda!

  8. Taiyoken

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