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Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 138-139

Drawing a blank on what to say regarding this page. Thanks always for reading, commenting, supporting, etc.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 138-139


  2. What does Selasir do? Why is it difficult?

  3. Based on the previous page, probably stealth or invisibility.

  4. I think that was the smoke bomb/teleport he did at the end. I imagine teleporting is a pretty high level spell, especially one that hides you as you vanish so no one can get you in the last second

  5. I’m thinking that all the former champions are pet if the baddie group and that was Shara Eggie encountered not Oridell. Sharas god mark was in his ears and he said he “heard many voices.”

  6. Malene: *anger intensifies*
    Ivan: *curiosity intensifies*
    Mountain: *incline intensifies*

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