Yes, hello, did anyone order vague hints of lore that I will explain in due time over the course of a story that will probably take multiple years to tell? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yes, hello, did anyone order vague hints of lore that I will explain in due time over the course of a story that will probably take multiple years to tell? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Page 15”
I’m such a whore for lore so I’m loving this page. Also, Mootilda peeking in??? Absolutely adorable.
OMG, it’s turtles all the way down!
This comic is beautiful so far, and I’m really looking forward to the story’s unfurling, possibly over the course of multiple years.
Elizabeth Kempton
Let’s see what we can discern from this pageful of lore:
Panel 1: MOOTILDA, interesting colour scheme- from left to right, dark blue, red, orange, a yellower orange, yellow, light blue- assuming that it is for Oridell, bringing thoughts of the sun in the sky
Panel 2: people who I am assuming are the gods:
Oridell: patron god of this area probably, from their tapestry they could be god of honour of fighting but from the symbol and colour scheme it feels like something to do with the sun
Iphinia: from the tapestry it feels like they are goddess of the harvest or farming and their symbol looks like a mix between Hermes’s staff and some ovaries so maybe fertility
Ezk: also feels natury but they feel more like the wrath of nature, with their symbol looking like a bulls head also just noticed that they appear to be holding some form of obsidian daggers as if they are going to attack something. Cant tell 100% but they appear to be some form of satyr from their legs so some form of nature spirit/god
Shara: this one is difficult, their clothing has typically royal/Nobel colours (red, purple, gold), their symbol is annoyingly ambiguous but it could be a building so maybe architecture as you would have to be pretty well off to get the education to become one (hence the clothes) or maybe they are of something like nobility itself I can’t really tell
Mal: they are obviously something to do with water, nice and obvious after Shara. I cannot tell currently whether they are all water or a specific body of water. They appear to be holding a bow in the tapestry leading me to think that maybe they are similar to Artemis as a god of hunting.
Used they/them pronouns for all of them and referred to them all as gods because I don’t know what genders they all are
Panel 3: lots of stuff in this one. First, the windows! They each have 2 circles, 1 big and 1 small, that appear to look similar to eclipses moreso the bottom one though. Could mean this planet has 2 suns or maybe it could alude to the sun and the god, or they might have nothing to do with the sun’s. Next the statues: I will look at them in four parts and then all at once:
The lady: could be one of the gods we have seen already but that would feel disrespectful to the others, I am more inclined to believe she is either a major patron to the creation of the building, the original cleric in it or something else along those lines.
The dragon: no legs (that we can see), looks like a simple Chinese dragon which I don’t know much about so idk what it could alude too, but it might just be a pet of one of the gods
The tortoise thing: at first looks like a massive tortoise, but with WINGS (that don’t look like they can carry it) or maybe fins or something. It is also covered in some type of plant which strikes me as odd for something in a holy building
The man: the obvious centerpiece, lighter then all the rest purveying pureness. They look (not trying to be rude) old and mystical. Also they way they are holding the thing (will get to that) makes it appear that they have created it. The thing itself appears to be some form of star in shape, the yellow colour seems to indicate it glowing and being important leading me to believe this could be some form of creation myth. Maybe the creation of Oridell/The sun if I am correct about that, but it doesn’t make sense if this is a temple **for** Oridell like I thought it was so maybe it could be a statue of Oridell in a different from to the one we see in his tapestry.
All of them together: with the old person center piece it feels like this could be depicting some form of creation myth, maybe the dragon and tortoise helped in some form but I can’t see this changing the statue of the female hiwever she does have her hands in a similar position but the opposite way round to the man so maybe there is some connection in that, however I cannot tell what is between her hands if anything so there is not much more I can talk about her
Statues over
Service: doesn’t appear to be a proper service in session if they even have them, however there are people there praying or something, also there is the candle lighting in the later pages which feels like part of a daily/weekly ritual of some kind which could link to Oridell being a sun god
That is all of my insane speculating over, sorry if it isn’t coherent and speelings are wrong
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