Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 232-233

Wooz said that Ivan looks like he's Naruto running and now I can't unsee it. Boy's straight up ready to raid area 51.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 232-233

  1. The ground looks pretty far away, and, Ivan, attempting to fall harder to the ground than you did for Eggie is not a good endeavor. Also, straight up superman it.


    So, how does the magic system work in terms of mp? Can you just throw a stream of flame as long as you can concentrate on it? Or is there some type of reserve or etc they are drawing from.
    Or, more to the point: are they going to fucking die?

  3. I spy the world dragon flying along with them. Nice touch. Is that part of the spell, or something more significant?

    1. Well spotted, I had to scroll up to check after reading this!

  4. There’s no way they don’t get shot at right? Nobody exclaims about the joys of life without consequence…

  5. Pride comes before the fall. I fear this won’t end well..

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