Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 9-10

Aaand now let's really get Chapter 3 underway :).
Welcome, new readers. I'm so excited to get started with the exploring. :P
Also imagine being a dude who's like barely ever gone outside and then someone wants you to climb a mountain.

I apologize in advance if the page doesn't upload properly at the scheduled time (9 am Eastern). The scheduled post system has been unreliable as of late.

10 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 9-10

  1. SHUT IT, ASSLORD is so refreshing

    1. Iconic tbh

  2. Hey DT? You seem to be getting attacked by a bad ad 🙁

    It’s putting a big red “NEXT” button below the comic, as though that’s what one should click to advance to the next page. We know better, but new readers might not.

    Screenshot @ https://gyazo.com/4194de078c8156e6820e4e3ef4b1a9b5

    The link is for

    (I replaced the actual periods with a period-like character so it doesn’t linkify their garbage)

    1. Thanks for reporting. I’ve blocked all the current ads from that site. Please let me know if you see it again.

      1. Thanks! Personally I hate Temu too, but at least they don’t try to deceptively blend their ads into the hosting page!

        1. Personally, I love Temu. I find their ads hilarious because half of the products look insane and I can’t even tell what they are. I screenshot them sometimes and it’s kind of a meme in the Discord.

  3. I put five imaginary Internet Points on Ivan being the first to reach his physical limits and need someone else to carry his gear over the mountains.

  4. Is there a spell to levitate one over the mountains? I believe in you, Ivan! Unless Eggie pulls a Dusney princess and sings to the animals to get them to help

  5. malene skips the number three, is that significant~

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