Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 34-35


I wonder if people will be more upset about the horse getting decked or Ivan getting decked. Horses are pretty cool but I'm pretty sure the readership has collectively adopted Ivan.

A shame Mootilda doesn't know what's going on or she would murder all the bandits with 2% of her power.

Legitimately slightly nervous that people are gonna be mad I let someone hit our son.

13 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 34-35

  1. My heartstrings got hit harder than Ivan did. The horse got bonked, Ivan got blasted. We all know which one is worse.

  2. Aww, I had hoped Mootilda would talk the horse into something, but if she doesn’t know what’s going on, it’ll probably not happen. xD

    Also random thug #3, your life is forfeit!

    1. Yea, I’m thinking/hoping that Mootilda is going to convince the horse to take out the 3rd brigand’s legs with a swift kick.

  3. Let’s take bets. Either Eggie does something magical, Rav comes to help, or Eggie smashes her guitar on the head of the thief (which will be fine due to the protection spell).
    What’s your guess?

    1. I’ll go with the guitar, Eggie shows her hidden secret godly guitar martial arts lol

  4. Ivan has just learned that emotional spell casting is a thing.
    Ivan has a hard crush on Eggie and has been casting protection spells.
    IF Ivan is not knocked out by this… and saw the right spell in his book…who knows?

  5. Poor Ivan shot his spell too early

    1. It’s a common problem amongst young men, just give him a few minutes and he can try again.


  7. Oof. That looks like a broken jaw for our young spellcaster.

  8. Mootilda would be unstoppable at 3.25% power


  10. Get well soon <3

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