Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 36-39

Sorry if anyone doesn't like feet. And if you do like feet, you're welcome, I guess...?

15 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 36-39

  1. Mootilda, Harbinger of the Cowpocalypse

    Monkeyfeet coming in clutch!

  2. Realized I get a spark of joy whenever my RSS reader notifies me there’s an update. So, joined the Patreon!

  3. Oops. Bad guy #3 made Ivan mad. Very mad.

  4. While visually the thug’s burns don’t look serious (this isn’t an artistic criticism, real burns are gross to draw and taking artistic liberties with their depiction saves all of us the gore) it’s important to look at the context. We can clearly see it burned through his sleeve, and the most likely fabrics he’d be wearing are cotton, linen or wool. The ignition temps for these materials are roughly 255, 310, and 585 Celsius respectively. In short, that’s hot enough for third degree burns. His skin is probably boiling.

    1. With what Ivan was channeling I would not be surprised if he accidentally turned him into a skeleton. He might have had that built up in the book from being bullied and never used a combat spell. But when he cast it it was emotom behind it.
      Possible he can channel through the time he spent on the written spell and it’s a boost

  5. Wonder how long that one’s been building up. Hell yeah Ivan!

  6. I did call we were going to see some Ivan rage… especially if Eggie were threatened.. he asked for it.

  7. “Sorry if anyone doesn’t like feet. And if you do like feet, you’re welcome, I guess…?”


  8. …Hm, so he could write a spell on his shirt for emergencies?

    1. Or tattoo them on, Haplo style!

  9. Using emotional casting, I believe Ivan just incenerated that brigand o.O

  10. i’ve had an awful, awful last couple of hours, and this really just made me smile a bit while sobbing. thank you dt <#


  12. Virtual hugs – I hope things will be better!

  13. Waaaaaait the first spell Ivan cast in the comic was the one to light the candles, when he met Eggie – I bet this is that spell! One he knows well!

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