Remember how I said that this one will be different from W&P, but it's still bound to be pretty stupid? Here it comes.
Also forgot to mention earlier: updates will be once per day until the end of the week, and after that most likely twice per week.
Remember how I said that this one will be different from W&P, but it's still bound to be pretty stupid? Here it comes.
Also forgot to mention earlier: updates will be once per day until the end of the week, and after that most likely twice per week.
4 thoughts on “Chapter 1 Page 5”
I mean, who hasn’t tried to smuggle a cow into their house before? right?
DT Saranya
I wish I had a cow in my bedroom.
North of Reality
Dude the increased quality of the art really hit me this page. Maybe because this very much seems like something that would happen in W&P, but it looks so much prettier and more detailed
DT Saranya
Hey thanks, and it might be because I spent a lot of time making this background in particular detailed because I wanted to really give a sense of their shared room.
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