Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 226-229

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Apologies in advance if the page goes up late even though it's up on time on Webtoon. Recently, for some reason, there have been a couple times where I schedule the post in advance and rather than posting it just gives me a note that the scheduled time was missed. Weird.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 226-229

  1. Orindell either got a new haircut or his opposite has appeared.


  3. no way the unnamed character with his hands covered is Oridell

  4. Yea, don’t think that’s Oridell. He has blue eyes, this guy has green.

  5. Oh! I got it! Adahn’s fallen silent, and they’re worried that the gods are about to make a new world, and Eggie must draw them back by showing the beauty in this world to keep it existing!

  6. You will literalli SHIT BRIX when you see the resemblence between the first champion and this random assassin 🤨🤔😲😳🫢💩

  7. Oridell and He are for sure related!
    Still hope for Sticks not to die! 🙁

  8. Sticks, nooooooo

  9. obv not oridell cause of the eye color, could it be that oridell’s kid survived and seeks revenge?

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