Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 109-110

Maybe he will forgive her and let her read the weird special books if she goes into the woods and returns with like 300 sticks as an offering.

10 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 109-110

  1. 🎵 Four conspicuous keys on the wall, 4 conspicuous keeeeys. You take one down and pass it around, 3 conspicuous keys on the wall 🎵

  2. He is going to send her on a fetch quest and she’ll return with stuff full of her magic.

  3. Chekhov’s keys!

  4. I love the austere office (I’m assuming it’s Sticks’ office, given the more comfortable chair opposite Ivan, and the far less comfortable one he’s been seated in). You know, very sparsely appointed, other than the conspicuous key hooks.

    Non sequitur, I love the way spam on here is being handled 🤣

    1. (not to be confused with SPAM, who is entertaining 😁)


  5. Pj djoy O nry Obsm od hpomh yp dyrsa yjr lru yjrm hry yjr nppl.
    This is not spam but I guessed what might happen and don’t want spoiled for others, if it is true. I used a cipher shift method to encrypt it


    2. LOL if you’re gonna do that just use ROT13 like a normal person 😂

  6. Ndjsjdshushfsjcihdhvd jsidjdihefuskfbsdha hduwahafhisudsjdafhiu hwhfoiejfuhfajf hiojsdcahfshdjasf saofhcsdivksahfsdhfuhf adventureswitheggie.com

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