Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 145-146

Ivan is currently being stressed out by three thoughts:

1. "If I am caught in this room I am likely to be excommunicated by the only stability my life has ever known."

2. "Would the clerics attack us?"

3. "A girl has put her hand kind of close my my hand."

In this moment, these thoughts are of equal magnitude to him.

Also the Kethra pages from Tuesday are up in higher resolution on the forums, in case anyone wants to do any nerding. The people who were working on the first page have become burned out and I choose to believe that means I WIN.

23 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 145-146

  1. COW

  2. I kinda knew this was coming, but still great as measured by my laugh.


  4. COW

  5. I love what Malene’s hair is doing. 😂
    Ivan needs to chill. 🤣
    Also, cow!!!

  6. Because of you all, I honestly hope it’s some kind of Minitour guard

  7. Hello, my name is Eunice Evans and I think seagulls should be able to vote. Will you please sign my petition?

  8. Hello my name is Eunice Evans and I think seagulls should be able to vote. Will you please sign my petition?

    1. Lmao, thank you for spreading the good word, imposter.

      I can tell your real identity by the IP address. It’s very Functional. ;D

      1. Buttany Asmunnchér

        You can see us by our IP… damn, there goes any fun to be had in my dozen or so ridiculous names.

        1. Seeing someone named “Eunice Evans” was the first time I looked at them for anything other than spam management reasons. I know it’s not me but it has to be someone fully familiar with the stupid shit I do on the internet to be named that and linking a seagull petition, so I was curious. If anyone else has been using different usernames I’m fully unaware and probably will remain so. 😛

        2. I absolutely forbid you to stop using silly names. I have been thuroughly enjoying it.

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