Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Page 21

"Hm yes, people skinny dip in my hometown therefore I am allowed to start stripping down in the most holy building in our entire kingdom."

Poor Ivan was just having a normal day before all this.

Site optimizing is still ongoing. I know I've gotten some feedback about the banner being too large and sometimes loading slowly, but how are the pages themselves doing? They load quickly for me but I realize that might not be the case for everyone.

Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone, and for reading!

6 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Page 21

  1. I like the banner, though i can see how it might be awkward on mobile.

  2. *giggles madly at Eggie in the last panel* I thought her casually undressing while they were talking couldn’t be beat, but…

  3. Site is loading fine for me and banner isn’t an issue on mobile. Enjoying the story!

  4. Ralphus Perpendicular

    I found this via Imgur and ended up reading all of your previous comic, whilst i wouldn’t describe myself as obsessed with this story i am certainly checking the link every day hoping for a new page. It’s got me low-key hooked.

  5. I would describe the symbol as looking a bit like a flower, with the lower heart-shaped petals topped by anthers. See the flower in the middle of pages 8-12 (https://adventureswitheggie.com/?comic=chapter-1-pages-8-12).
    Its probably only a coincidence that plants near the temple are having trouble flowering. https://adventureswitheggie.com/?comic=chapter-2-pages-13-14

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