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Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Page 51

Ha, did you think I was going to actually canonically name a character "Anthony Asslord?"

Because I totally would. Just not this time.

18 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Page 51

  1. His full name is Ray Asslord Peenweenis, isn’t it?

  2. I’m definitely getting ‘ran away from their corrupt powerful family’ vibes from this guy

  3. I’m getting puckish slumming god vibes.


  5. Hmm, that’s a promise broken, and one hell of a backstory to explore. As for what’s going to happen later this week… I can’t wait!

  6. I’m surprised Rav knows what protein is, given the setting. Or is that just a little bit of modern language for the readers sake?

  7. Bettany Asmunnchér

    I know it’s early days in the comic and looking back from a future time i will almost certainly disagree with my past self but i am completely uninterested in ‘Rav’. I was big time into the Eggie and Ivan doing magic and stuff and Marlene in setting up the story was great too but Anthony Asslord just doesn’t appeal to me. Comes off as a smarmy douche and that one character certain kinds of people play in DnD much to the irritation of everyone else at the table. I’m sure it’s just a mask and i trust you to develop the character well DT so i’ll see how it goes.


  8. I was fully expecting for you to commit to the Asslord name. Guess I am just gullible lol

    1. You’re not alone lol

  9. But is it a name for him? Lol he said it was an honest name not that it was his honest name. I wonder if it’s some future characters name? Like he gave the name of the most honest person he knows? Or am I going overboard on the name?

  10. Rav is trans. It’s not the name he was born with, but it’s the most honest name he can give. Trans! That’s my bet.
    I am very excited to see what Rav is all about. Seems like a real scamp!

    1. oh ffs, pls no

      1. And why not? Trans people exist, so why shouldn’t trans characters?

        1. Well, not to back up that douche, but out of curiosity, how exactly would transitioning work in a fantasy world? There’s no HRT, magic doesn’t seem to be something common enough to be cheap if it can even do body alterations in your universe. Not saying no to trans folk being in your story DT but you’ll have to give it some explanation for it to make sense if that’s the route you want to go down.

        2. I don’t want to confirm nor deny anything about Rav’s backstory, as I don’t want to mislead or disappoint anyone, nor spoil anything, but let’s just say I think I’ve got it fleshed out properly. Hopefully at least.

          But, with regards to magic in this world, there does exist magic that transforms the human body. However, magic that deals with affecting a person’s body, such as healing, temporary transfigurative magic, or more permanent transformative magic (like what would be used for transitioning), is a difficult and dangerous science, as it affects a living body and thus there’s potential to do harm if something goes wrong. Something like transitioning would be done most safely in the hands of an expert, with the process spread over a long period of time. A quicker process would certainly be more convenient, but also more risky.

          I’m going to explain the magic of this world in more detail throughout the comic pages, but would prefer to spread out the explanations as they become relevant rather than just dump a wall of text on people. 😛

        3. 💜💜💜.

          That is all.

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