Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 2 Pages 178-179

Part of me wants to call him Anthony Asslord forever. I have a feeling the comments already will.

I also feel like we can all agree that everyone needs a Poppy in their life.

Also, congrats to DeadlyMitten for winning chicken hunt over the weekend and becoming the second chicken god.

Thanks always for reading, you beautiful people.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 178-179

  1. “Tie you over” is a pretty common malapropism. “Tide you over” would be correct.

    1. Edited – thanks for pointing that out. I’d always known it as “tie” in my area but a quick google showed that while there was some debate, the general consensus is that “tide” is indeed correct.

  2. I just love the manifestation of Eggies powers. Kinda subtle and yet so great.

    1. Or, is this in part a manifestation of Mr. Asslord’s powers?

  3. “Mr. Asslord” i’m DEAD lmaooo


  5. @ExTechOp: “Hmm our mages have scanned you, and you seem to have the magical ability… to be where you need to be?” “Huh, that checks out…”

    1. (Sorry to post downstream, the reply button was acting weird)

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