Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 60-61

Anjaril, Ethi, you're really not helping dispel the "this is just Aiden and Kaia" comments.

Upload times may be a little sporadic for the next three weeks because I'm traveling. Upload rate should still be roughly the same, though. :)
Thank you for reading and always being patient.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 60-61

  1. I just had a “oh it’s Saturday surely it’s up by now” moment and it was. And was…. Maybe a little too excited lol

    Love your artwork and the story. I don’t think we get to complain

  2. Also *just* “Aiden and Kaia”?
    More awesome is.. just more awesome

    1. Yeah, now that you point it out i am getting Aiden and Kaia vibes from those two… they’re not 1:1 copies, but they give off a very similar energy.

  3. Anjaril may be my new favourite character.

  4. Ethi & Malene. Ship it. 💖

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