Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 222-223

From a scientific perspective, I think knowing Eggie makes you about 80% more likely to do stupid shit.

Also, my boyfriend (Wowzies) who sometimes comments here is also a risk-hating fun-ruiner. He says that I shouldn't pet bears. But answer me this: if you're not supposed to pet them, why do they look like that? Also he's not a bear expert so I don't see why anyone should listen to him.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 222-223


  2. Bad influences are the BEST influences!


    Miss ‘I don’t think we should kiss now’ is also the one making sexy eyes at the guy that has the crush on her

  4. I wonder if there’s a good spell for making wood edible. It’s like 25% sugar, it’s just bound into cellulose.
    I guess you’d need to soak it to get the sugar out even if you split the cellulose, because there is still lignin and stuff in it.

  5. Glide. Totally, yes, glide, but glide at terminal velocity and land at terminal velocity. However, Ivan has fallen even harder. Let’s go!

  6. When I was Ivan’s age, I may have jumped off a roof if I though it would impress a girl, magic or otherwise.

  7. The clerics were gaslighting Ivan! No wonder he has confidence issues.

  8. No chance in hell Rav isn’t hearing everything said rn and is gonna interrupt these 2 lovebirds huddled up oh so close together 😈

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