Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 23-24

Hey look the page is actually on time.

Also I am starting a petition to get Ivan a blanket and some hot cocoa to help him fucking relax.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 23-24



  3. Aw i dunno, maybe it’s cause you’ve got a soft kind heart and have no experience with women cause you lived in a dudes convent and also, Eliana is A LOT for a young guy with zero experience to handle, she’s turbo-crushable, she’s a cute goofy angel girl. Dude needs to cut himself some slack, everything is stacked against him playing it cool.

  4. Ohhh… Poor Ivan!!!! Don’t be afraid or anxious, just keep being yourself and everyone, especially Eggie, will see you and love you for who you really are!!! A big, goofy, lovable dork!!!!

  5. Yup. The guitar. That’s why I’m protecting the thing that you constantly wear. That’s totally it

  6. The more he appears the more I love Mr. Asslord 😆
    And now for Malene to shine on the battlefield!! 🤩

  7. Came from imgur. Love this world so far.

  8. hello yes mrs dt saran wrap this is dado yes. dado is fine capitalist like jeff bezos, and i have business called dado’s fine transcription service! dado has noticed that u are fine songwriter, but unfortunately ur songs do not have text translations so deaf people can read the songs. if u want me to make text transcriptions of ur songs, plz contact me and i will do so for a reasonable price of 69 cents per song transcribed! if u do not have that much money, i also take payment in exposure.

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