Man, Ivan's got so much rizz when he's not trying to, but then the moment he tries to he shoves every foot within a 5-mile radius into his mouth.
Thanks for your patience waiting for the update. Bronchitis kicked my fat butt, lol. I can, in fact, confirm that ain't nobody got time for that. The good news is that I'm doing much better now so update speed will go back to its chaotic normal.
Thanks always for reading!
10 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 115-116”
Cathy W.
Glad you’re feeling better! Can’t wait to see what Eggie makes with *her* magic energy, it oughta be good!
The Blue Fox Thom
Yes, Ivan, yes!
David W
EVERY foot you say? *Tarantino intensifies*
Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
That little nerd knows what he’s doing.
Bob the Moose
I’m glad you’re feeling better!
Also, you know Ivan practiced the hell out of that spell. I wonder if Eggie is about to give the world a technolight show.
Ivan you sly dog!!! You have been holding out on all of us!!!!
Mootilda, Harbinger of the Cowpocalypse
Ivan is a smooth as heck!
Glad he’s doing better and you’re feeling better!
Glad you’re feeling better
Ivan is smiiten. But basically been in a convent. Eggie is fascinated. They are both young/were sort of isolated. I don’t think either of them really recognize what they may be feeling yet.
I don’t think Ivan is capable of being “smooth”. At least intentionally in that way. He’s just.. trying to help in earnest and absolutely has a crush.