Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 1 Page 3

8 thoughts on “Chapter 1 Page 3

  1. Thrid!

    1. Wait shit

  2. Very quickly blasted through the first three pages and already incredibly stoked for the adventure this comic is going to be. Art is already incredibly polished and beautiful, I’m immediately getting attached to the characters, and the “Music” category immensely excites me with its existence

    1. Thanks so much. And yes, I’m very excited about the music too. 😛

  3. Just started the comic, stoked to read! Favor though? Advance the page by clicking the image. (Or make the “next” button bigger. I keep jumping to the beginning of end even trying to turn the page)

    1. Thanks, and thanks for the feedback. I’ve been trying to have the “clicking the image advances to the next page” setting active, but when I do clicking the music player also advances the page. I wanna make the navigation button bigger as well but don’t have the coding skill to know how, haha. Hopefully I can work something out with some help from friends. Please bear with me while I try to optimize everything – I’m working alone and I’m not a web dev.

      Thanks for reading!

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