Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 49-51

Sorry for weird upload time. My life got a little uprooted again this week. I'm going to count this as the Friday upload and then just try to be on time for the Tuesday update, and hopefully from then on.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 49-51

  1. Oh, you could do it. Real training changes how you react and disinhibited against violence. Militaries have been doing it since Assyria

    1. The way Eggie is touched may preclude her getting seriously violent, even in an emergency.

  2. Really wish you’d take a break DT and build up a reserve, hate the idea of you stressing just to keep us freeloaders entertained on time.

    1. Yes, please don’t burn yourself out DT!

  3. We need a montage

  4. Ivan’s bruising looks like he’s got on fancy make-up 🙂 Also, Eggie only has so many guitars to smash!

  5. Mootilda could have done something too!!! Don’t forget to yell at her too!!!!

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