Chapter 3 Pages 301-302

Just be glad he didn't say "Daddy," Rav.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 301-302


  2. I’m starting to think that Rav isn’t exactly normal. He just kinda appeared at the perfect time and is doing a great job at guiding the heroes.


    He was saying “give it to me daddy. I like that.”

  4. Has icy trauma unlocked Ivan’s hidden memories? Has that unlocked Rav’s long denied past? It’s probably self-awareness that Rav is not well suited for parenthood, possibly from firsthand experience.

  5. I miss Mootilda. Hope she’s Ok.

    1. Right!?!?! I’m still holding out hope that she is in her own way doing some good deeds that all build to her arriving at the climax as a deus ex Mootilda!!!

  6. Is this like calling your teacher Mom? 😛

  7. Is the smudged writing in the sky the gods talking? If so, cool.

  8. Had an English teacher, making us read out loud, say “let’s give Joseph a breast. Wait no I was thinking break and rest” as she turned bright red.

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