Updates are slow/delayed this week because I'm sick. I'm not missing or anything!
Next one should be up either Friday night or over the weekend.
Thank you for your patience!

Chapter 3 Pages 29-31

Do you think she'll let him have a do-over if he tells her he wasn't ready?

Sorry page is up late and at a weird time of night for most. Had some separate life obligations that threw my work out of whack.

20 thoughts on “Chapter 3 Pages 29-31

  1. Let’s get this (fight) party started!!! 😀

  2. Thanks for the sword.
    And the thumb.
    Do you mind if I take your horse, too?

  3. God, i hope that missing thumb means you’re not going to be delicate about basic gore, if a dude gets an axe to the head cause that was the most optimal target in a fight i sure hope that’s what we get and not anime style convenient censoring.

  4. Oh geez, I didn’t even notice that part of his thumb was missing. I thought she just snagged the sword by the hilt using her axe. I guess she snagged a little extra, too.

    1. I saw the red spot on the end of his thumb and had to scroll up and yea, there is a red line coming from his hand to the ax





  8. He can have as many do-overs as he pleases but he has to pay The Thumb Tax each time, that’s the deal.

    1. That does rather suggest a hard limit on the number of do-overs…

  9. Get ‘im!

  10. It’s not stealing if the baddies are dead, right?

  11. If he runs out of thumbs (slice by slice, mayhaps?), moving onto fingers is also perfectly fine.

  12. Should he be bleeding more, or is it just that fast?

  13. He *is* a trained fighter. He’s just a *very badly* trained “fighter” trained by other very badly trained fighters…

  14. Thumbs up for Malene.

  15. That does rather suggest a hard limit on the number of do-overs …

  16. Those last three panels probably happened in the span of a heartbeat. Especially if, as her physique and demeanor would suggest, Malene has practiced that move. Smugman’s brain and circulatory system haven’t had time to catch up yet. It’ll start gushing soon enough .

    That said, I LOVE how Malene could tell so easily that this guy wasn’t a trained fighter just by that limp-wristed grip on his weapon! It’s such a small detail but it really shows how the artist does their research! He’s treating his weapon like a prop, not a deadly implement. This is why you keep a solid, firm grasp on your knife and tuck your thumb, young man! As well as keeping your boots firmly in the stirrups! X3

  17. Holy shit, bad ass Malene alert. Hell yeah

  18. This comic is awesome, and this scene even more so. Badass Malene, could we ever ask for more!? But I did have one thing I wanted to point out, and that’s the horses’ bridles. They wouldn’t stay on a horse the way they are drawn and tbh they look uncomfortable. I know you don’t want to redraw a bunch of stuff and horses aren’t easy for a lot of people, and bridles can be even more complicated, but if you want to change them down the line here is a reference for a very simple bridle: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2037/3705/products/poly_nylon_bitless_bridle_1024x1024.jpg?v=1555169116

    Thank you very much for sharing your story with us. This is the first webcomic I’ve come in at the beginning for and I look forward to seeing where it goes!

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