Last seen: Jul 8, 2023
What if it turns out you share the same surname with Eggie and Malene.
Now that you'd no longer a good churchgoing boy, do you plan to change your name?
Best make sure there is always grass where you are going then.
I think what Link means is I bet you want to see her god mark again but in private, don't you church boy.
Some seek it out, if they feel their feed isn't enough. Watch your back around Mootilda.
Did you know some cows like to eat flesh?
Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Asking for a friend.
Imagine being too busy playing a decade-old game to know you are being dunked on.
If I am missing any, reply to this topic with the word, what it means in common (english), and where in the comic it was used and I'll add it when I n...
Transliterated: First Page: Va Shyren AsivVa Kethasd Second Page: Adan Gasash KarithAdan Gasash Orath Apo*Thiraka, Apora Kasaka*Apora Adaiv.Ad...
Hi I'm Pongles