Last seen: Jun 13, 2023
Oh, uh. The church isn't the organization that studies magic, so if we can ever make contact with the others, it'd be nice to get access to their word...
For favorites to cast, "Ema Takeliv" is fun. It increases your arm strength for as long as you maintain it, and you can throw things around. It's not ...
Hi, nice to meet you!Uhhh... caving involved a lot of bumbling around in the dark, honestly. I'm still getting used to Rav and obviously can tell that...
Wh- I...Your wares seem really nice but I don't think I'm the right client for you. Thanks but I'm just going to back away nervously now.
Oh, good to know! Wait, how do you know that?I haven't looked through the dictionary yet, but I know a spell exists that allows you to glide on the ai...
I do think they're older, but I haven't asked exact ages.
I think I need an adult.Wait, that's me. Oh no.
Oh gods, you're right...
Eeaaawha?Sir, I am a random acolyte...
Not really, to be honest. If it's at all like concentration casting, then it's a skill that needs to be honed over time rather than one that appears i...
Please don't take offense to this. You seem super nice but I feel like I need to call the guard.
What kind of business? Wait, why do you need to specify that it's "non-shady" and the cleric is "real?"
Well, medical magic is a very precise skill with the potential to do harm if you make a mistake, so it's not really considered wise to practice it on ...
I always wanted to learn medical magic but didn't show enough proficiency for the clerics to let me into the class.I've also wanted to use electric sp...