You asked for it, so here it is. Please don't harass the poor boy too much.
Uh... I was told some people had questions to ask me. What can I do for you?
What do you think of Eggie? How big is the crush?
Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Asking for a friend.
This area for rent.
@link_targaryen She seems really nice! Also very loud. Wait what I have NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.
Have you ever daydreamed about meeting and/or questing with a God-Marked? If so how does it compare to the real thing?
@pongles Are you feeling okay? We do have medical services available if nee... wait, you're messing with me, aren't you?
@dentos I think every kid has a fantasy at some point of having a god mark. It's the easiest way to imagine yourself as a hero, after all, isn't it?
Then you get older and think more about what that would really mean, and how stressful it would be. But, I suppose you can't be a hero without adversity, right?
As for the "real thing," I don't think it's quite "real" to me, yet, but all I can say is that I'll do the best to help however I can.
Did you know some cows like to eat flesh?
This area for rent.
@link_targaryen I HaVE no idea what you're implying, ma'am. Perhaps I should get other personnel to help you...?
@pongles That's not actually true, is it? If they eat meat it's by accident, right? At least usually?
@link_targaryen I HaVE no idea what you're implying, ma'am. Perhaps I should get other personnel to help you...?
I think what Link means is I bet you want to see her god mark again but in private, don't you church boy.
This area for rent.