Chapter 2 Pages 240-244

Thank you all so much for reading this far.

There will be a bit of an "intermission" sort of episode on Friday this week. Chapter 3 will start up either Monday or Friday of next week.


Thanks for coming on this adventure with me. <3

9 thoughts on “Chapter 2 Pages 240-244

  1. Something tells me that before this tale is finished, Ivan will become a cleric of a goddess rather than a god.

    @DT Thank you for sharing it! This year has had some rough patches for me, and Egg and her companions have been a nice bright spot that helped lift me up on days I needed a boost. I love the world that you’re building here with all its beauty and tragedy, as well as the humorous and light-hearted character interactions that keep things from feeling too somber. It’s easy to tell you’re pouring your heart into this, and I’m looking forward to more. 🙂

    1. Thanks for your kind words. So glad you’re enjoying, and hope life’s looking up for you.


  3. Thank you DT Saranya for this wonderful chapter!
    I was always looking forward to the next page and I am sure that this will be the case for chapter 3
    Looking forward to it!

    1. So glad to hear it – thank you. 😀

  4. AAAAAWWWWW!!!!!! I wish I could give Ivan a hug. And get a hug from Eggie… And then we could all jump on Malene and Rav and give them both a big group hug!!!!!

  5. @DT It shows that you put a lot of heart in your comic. If you were on a webcomics ranking, I would vote for it. You might consider it. I don’t check every day for most web comics, but I do with this one. The story has a lot of potential and I’m invested in the characters, and that’s a good thing. I also don’t see where it is heading, which is also always a good thing. Eggie is a beautiful person, and I think a part of Eggie must come from somewhere in you. <3

  6. Malene and Rav’s smiles at the end are great.

  7. I love the multi-dimensional narrative. I overlooked the body language from the “sleepers” during my first read through but when I spotted Marlene’s side-eye in panel 2 and looked at the body language of both them throughout it was obvious that they were concerned at first then reassured at the end, adding a richness I can appreciate.

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